Smith Copies

Copies of Agent Smith, after their first battle with Neo.

The Smith Copies were the copies of Agent Smith that were created from the humans and programs of the Matrix in the film The Matrix. Smith would infect an unfortunate victim by sticking his fingers deep into her or his chest as a black goo spread over the body from the penetrated spot, transforming her or him into an exact copy of the renegade agent soon after fully enveloping in the goo, regardless of original features, ethnicity, personality, and sex and gender. The process could be reversed immediately if his fingers were removed from the to-be Smith's chest, but only Neo displayed this feat as he was the One, so in all other respects becoming Smith was irreversible.

Once complete, the new Smith could also infect others by fingering their chests, so conversion was exponential. To speed up or ensure the Smithification was firmly in place, more than one Smith could finger a single victim, as what happened to Morpheus against three Smiths who jabbed their hands into his chest while pinning him to a wall.

Smith could turn either the humans plugged into the Matrix or the programs who were a part of the Matrix into copies. At one point, every human and program in the Matrix became a Smith copy but were returned to normal when Smith was destroyed.


Known victims who became Smith Copies were:


  • Neo
  • Bane

