
Gul Madred in 2369

Gul Madred was a Cardassian military officer, who was placed in charge of Jean-Luc Picard’s interrogation in 2369

As a starving homeless child in Lakat, he scavenged for and ate taspar eggs straight from the shell. He later recalled that an older boy had beaten him and broken his arm, just to get the eggs. As an adult he embraced Cardassian military, believing that it could prevent such social problems.

He would also have a daughter, Jil Orra, who would regularly visit him while he was working.

During a period of intense hostility between the Cardassian Union and the United Federation of Planets over disputed border territories, he captured Jean-Luc Picard by faking the construction of a metagenic weapon on planet Celtris III. Madred then interrogated Picard, attempting to gain information on Starfleet’s defenses near Minos Korva by drugging Picard, and then resorting to physical and mental torture. He then stripped Picard of his clothing and referred to him only as “human”, thus striping him of individuality. Madred then began showing Picard four lights and saying that in fact there were five lights, when Picard wouldn’t say there were five lights Madred would inflict pain with a small device that had been implanted in Picard’s chest. In the end the Cardassian plot was uncovered and Picard was returned. Picard later confided that he was near his braking point when he was released.

Madred was played by actor David Warner.