You may also be looking for Gul Toran from 2371.
Gul Toran2370
Born: {{{Birthday}}}
Status: {{{Status}}}
Other names: none
Race: Cardassian
Homeworld: Cardassia Prime
Universe: Star Trek
Actor: Edward Wiley

Gul Toran was a Cardassian military officer in 2370. In 2370, he arrived at Deep Space 9, aboard his warship, to return three members of the Cardassian Underground, Natima Lang, Rekelen, and Hogue, to Cardassia after Elim Garak told the Cardassian Central Command that they were aboard the station.

Toran immediately viewed Garak with suspicion, and convinced the central command to kill the dissidents instead of Garak’s idea of exchanging them for Bajoran prisoners. He then offered Garak the opportunity to arrange an appropriate “accident” for Lang and the others so he could regain favor on Cardassia. Garak then killed Toran when it became apparent that Toran had absolutely no intention of keeping his word.
